
  • Jurnal Meta Hukum

    Meta Hukum Journal is a journal managed by the Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Tholabul Ilmi , intended to be a medium for information exchange and exchange of scholarly articles, especially in the field of law. Lecturers/Faculties, Alumni, Students, Practitioners, Law and Humanities Scholarships and Community Observers. Focus and Range: Legal theory, comparative law, sociology of law, international law, constitutional law, private law, economic law, environmental law, criminal law, administrative law, cyber law, human rights law, inheritance law, civil law, state administrative law, agricultural law.

    ISSN Online = 2985-3338

  • Jurnal PKM Hablum Minannas

    Jurnal PKM Hablum Minannas is a journal to managed of Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Tholabul Ilmi, for aims to serve as a medium of information and exchange of scientific articles between teaching staff, alumni, students, practitioners and observers of science in education, Sains, Social, Technology and Humaniora. Focus ans Scope : Education, Management, Law, Sains, Social, Technology and Humaniora. Jurnal PKM Hablum Minannas editor receives scientific articles of empirical research and theoretical studies related to Education, Management, Law, Sains, Social, Technology and Humaniora sciences that certainly have never been published. publish in March and October

    E-ISSN: 2829-7369 (Online - Elektronik)

  • Jurnal Ilmiah METADATA

    Metadata Scientific Journal is a journal managed by LPPM Tholabul Ilmi Islamic Education Foundation, with the aim of being a medium for information on scientific works from lecturers, alumni, students and practitioners in the fields of education, science, social, technology and humanities. The focus and scope of the Metadata Scientific Journal are Education, Management, Islamic Economics, Accounting, Law, Computer, Science, Technology, Humanities, Health Sciences and Social Sciences. The editorial staff of the Metadata Scientific Journal accepts scientific works from empirical research and theoretical studies which have certainly not been published in other research journals. Metadata Scientific Journal is SINTA 5 Accredited and published three times a year, namely in January, May and September. P-ISSN: 2745-5262 , E-ISSN: 2723-7737

    Jurnal Ilmiah Metadata published by LPPM Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Tholabul 'Ilmi (YPITI)

  • Jurnal Meta Ekonomi & Bisnis

    Jurnal Meta Ekonomi dan Bisnis Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Tholabul Ilmi is an electronic scientific journal that publishes the results of economic and business studies. Journal of Meta Economics and Business (JMEB) is published in December, March, June every year in an online format. The editorial team of Meta Journal of Economics and Business (JMEB) accepts papers on the results of studies in the fields of economics, management, Islamic Economics, Sharia Accounting, Banking, and Accounting, both empirical and theoretical studies that are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively and have never been and will not be published in other media. Submitted manuscripts will be evaluated and edited for uniformity of format, terms, and other procedures in accordance with the applicable style of the Journal of Meta Economics and Business (JMEB) Tholabul Ilmi Islamic Education Foundation.

    Jurnal Meta Ekonomi dan Bisnis published by LPPM Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Tholabul 'Ilmi (YPITI)